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Atlassian Bitbucket Server Bitbucket

Server image deprecation

This Docker image has been published as both atlassian/bitbucket and atlassian/bitbucket-server up until February 15, 2024. Both names refer to the same image. However, post-February 15, 2024, the atlassian/bitbucket-server version ceased receiving updates, including both existing and new tags. If you have been using atlassian/bitbucket-server, switch to the atlassian/bitbucket image to ensure access to the latest updates and new tags.


Bitbucket Server is an on-premises source code management solution for Git that's secure, fast, and enterprise grade. Create and manage repositories, set up fine-grained permissions, and collaborate on code - all with the flexibility of your servers.

Learn more about Bitbucket Server:

This Docker container makes it easy to get an instance of Bitbucket up and running.

Embedded OpenSearch

For backwards-compatibility, by default the image will start both Bitbucket and an embedded OpenSearch. However, this is not a recommended configuration, especially in a clustered environment, and has known issues with shutdown. Instead, we recommend running a separate OpenSearch instance (possibly in another Docker container); see below for instructions on connecting to an external OpenSearch cluster.

If running this image in a production environment, we strongly recommend you run this image using a specific version tag instead of latest. This is because the image referenced by the latest tag changes often and we cannot guarantee that it will be backwards compatible.

Use docker version >= 20.10.10

Quick Start

For the BITBUCKET_HOME directory that is used to store the repository data (amongst other things) we recommend mounting a host directory as a data volume, or via a named volume.

Additionally, if running Bitbucket in Data Center mode it is required that a shared filesystem is mounted.

Volume permission is managed by entry scripts. To get started you can use a data volume, or named volumes. In this example we'll use named volumes.

docker volume create --name bitbucketVolume
docker run -v bitbucketVolume:/var/atlassian/application-data/bitbucket --name="bitbucket" -d -p 7990:7990 -p 7999:7999 atlassian/bitbucket
Note that this command can substitute folder paths with named volumes. Start Atlassian Bitbucket Server:
docker run -v /data/bitbucket:/var/atlassian/application-data/bitbucket --name="bitbucket" -d -p 7990:7990 -p 7999:7999 atlassian/bitbucket

Bitbucket is now available on http://localhost:7990.

Please ensure your container has the necessary resources allocated to it. We recommend 2GiB of memory allocated to accommodate both the application server and the git processes. See Supported Platforms for further information.

If you are using docker-machine on Mac OS X, please use open http://$(docker-machine ip default):7990 instead.

Common settings

Verbose container entrypoint logging

During the startup process of the container, various operations and checks are performed to ensure that the application is configured correctly and ready to run. To help in troubleshooting and to provide transparency into this process, you can enable verbose logging. The VERBOSE_LOGS environment variable enables detailed debug messages to the container's log, offering insights into the actions performed by the entrypoint script.

  • VERBOSE_LOGS (default: false)

Set to true to enable detailed debug messages during the container initialization.

Reverse Proxy Settings

If Bitbucket is run behind a reverse proxy server as described here, then you need to specify extra options to make Bitbucket aware of the setup. They can be controlled via the below environment variables.


The reverse proxy's fully qualified hostname.


The reverse proxy's port number via which bitbucket is accessed.

  • SERVER_SCHEME (default: http)

The protocol via which bitbucket is accessed.

In certain cloud environments (specifically Kubernetes, Heroku and Cloud Foundry), this setting will be superseded by the value of the X-Forwarded-Proto request header if sent by a ingress or load balancer. See SERVER_FORWARD_HEADERS_STRATEGY below to alter this behaviour.

  • SERVER_SECURE (default: false)

Set 'true' if SERVER_SCHEME is 'https'.

  • SERVER_FORWARD_HEADERS_STRATEGY (default: NATIVE in the specified cloud environments, NONE otherwise)

Can be explicitly set to a value of NONE if deploying to a cloud environment (specifically Kubernetes, Heroku and Cloud Foundry) and the preference is for SERVER_SCHEME to be used over the value of the X-Forwarded-Proto request header. A value of NONE will cause X-Forwarded-* headers to no longer take priority when determining the origin of a request, which means the system will return to the default expected state.

JVM Configuration (Bitbucket Server 5.0 + only)

If you need to override Bitbucket Server's default memory configuration or pass additional JVM arguments, use the environment variables below

  • JVM_MINIMUM_MEMORY (default: 512m)

The minimum heap size of the JVM

  • JVM_MAXIMUM_MEMORY (default: 1024m)

The maximum heap size of the JVM


Additional JVM arguments for Bitbucket Server, such as a custom Java Trust Store

Application Mode Settings (Bitbucket Server 5.0 + only)

This docker image can be run as a Smart Mirror or as part of a Data Center cluster. You can specify the following properties to start Bitbucket as a mirror or as a Data Center node:

  • SEARCH_ENABLED (default: true)

Set 'false' to prevent OpenSearch (previously Elasticsearch) from starting in the container. This should be used if OpenSearch is running remotely, e.g. for if Bitbucket is running in a Data Center cluster. You may also use ELASTICSEARCH_ENABLED to set this property, however this is deprecated in favor of SEARCH_ENABLED.

  • APPLICATION_MODE (default: default)

The mode Bitbucket will run in. This can be set to 'mirror' to start Bitbucket as a Smart Mirror. This will also disable OpenSearch even if SEARCH_ENABLED has not been set to 'false'.

Database Configuration

To configure the database automatically on first run, you can provide the following settings:


Note: Due to licensing restrictions Bitbucket does not ship with a MySQL or Oracle JDBC drivers. To use these databases you will need to copy a suitable driver into the container and restart it. For example, to copy the MySQL driver into a container named "bitbucket", you would do the following:

docker cp mysql-connector-java.x.y.z.jar bitbucket:/var/atlassian/application-data/bitbucket/lib
docker restart bitbucket

For more information see Connecting Bitbucket Server to an external database.

JDBC password encryption

Starting from Bitbucket 8.13 the JDBC password can now be managed via AWS Secrets Manager. For example, a Bitbucket node with a PostgreSQL database and JDBC password management via AWS Secrets Manager might look like:

docker run \
    -e JDBC_DRIVER=org.postgresql.Driver \
    -e JDBC_USER=atlbitbucket \
    -e JDBC_PASSWORD="{\"region\":\"us-east-1\",\"secretId\":\"mysecret\",\"secretPointer\":\"/password\"}" \
    -e JDBC_URL=jdbc:postgresql:// \
    -v /data/bitbucket-shared:/var/atlassian/application-data/bitbucket/shared \
    --name="bitbucket" \
    -d -p 7990:7990 -p 7999:7999 \

Of note here are the two properties; JDBC_PASSWORD and JDBC_PASSWORD_DECRYPTER_CLASSNAME and their corresponding values, where the Secrets Manager coordinates and decryption class name are supplied respectively.

Other settings

As well as the above settings, all settings that are available in the file can also be provided via Docker environment variables. For a full explanation of converting Bitbucket properties into environment variables see the relevant Spring Boot documentation.

To translate a property name into an environment variable:

  • dot . becomes underscore _
  • dash - becomes underscore _
  • Example: becomes THIS_NEW_PROPERTY

For example, a full command-line for a Bitbucket node with a PostgreSQL database, and an external OpenSearch instance might look like:

docker network create --driver bridge --subnet= myBitbucketNetwork
docker run --network=myBitbucketNetwork --ip= \
    -e SEARCH_ENABLED=false \
    -e JDBC_DRIVER=org.postgresql.Driver \
    -e JDBC_USER=atlbitbucket \
    -e JDBC_URL=jdbc:postgresql:// \
    -v /data/bitbucket-shared:/var/atlassian/application-data/bitbucket/shared \
    --name="bitbucket" \
    -d -p 7990:7990 -p 7999:7999 \

Cluster settings

If running a clustered Bitbucket DC instance, the cluster settings are specified with HAZELCAST_* environment variables. The main ones to be aware of are:

  • HAZELCAST_PORT (hazelcast.port)

Each clustering type (e.g. AWS/Azure/Multicast/TCP) has its own settings. For more information on clustering Bitbucket, and other properties see Clustering with Bitbucket Data Center and Clustering with Bitbucket Data Center.

Out-of-scope network configuration

The underlying network should be configured to support the clustering type you are using. How to do this depends on the container management technology, and is beyond the scope of this documentation.

JMX Monitoring

JMX monitoring can be enabled with JMX_ENABLED=true. Information on additional settings and available metrics is available in the Bitbucket JMX documentation.

Container Configuration

  • SET_PERMISSIONS (default: true)

Define whether to set home directory permissions on startup. Set to false to disable this behaviour.

Shared directory and user IDs

By default the Bitbucket application runs as the user bitbucket, with a UID and GID of 2003. Consequently this UID must have write access to the shared filesystem. If for some reason a different UID must be used, there are a number of options available:

  • The Docker image can be rebuilt with a different UID.
  • Under Linux, the UID can be remapped using user namespace remapping.


To upgrade to a more recent version of Bitbucket Server you can simply stop the bitbucket container and start a new one based on a more recent image:

docker stop bitbucket
docker rm bitbucket
docker pull atlassian/bitbucket:<desired_version>
docker run ... (See above)

As your data is stored in the data volume directory on the host it will still be available after the upgrade.

Please make sure that you don't accidentally remove the bitbucket container and its volumes using the -v option.


For evaluations you can use the built-in database that will store its files in the Bitbucket Server home directory. In that case it is sufficient to create a backup archive of the directory on the host that is used as a volume (/data/bitbucket in the example above).

The Bitbucket Server Backup Client is currently not supported in the Docker setup. You can however use the Bitbucket Server DIY Backup approach in case you decided to use an external database.

Read more about data recovery and backups:


Bitbucket allows a configurable grace period for active operations to finish before termination; by default this is 30s. If sending a docker stop this should be taken into account with the --time flag.

Alternatively, the script / is provided, which will initiate a clean shutdown and wait for the process to complete. This is the recommended method for shutdown in environments which provide for orderly shutdown, e.g. Kubernetes via the preStop hook.


The latest tag matches the most recent version of this repository. Thus using atlassian/bitbucket:latest or atlassian/bitbucket will ensure you are running the most up to date version of this image.

Alternatively, you can use a specific minor version of Bitbucket Server by using a version number tag: atlassian/bitbucket:6. This will install the latest 6.x.x version that is available.

Supported JDK versions and base images

All the Atlassian Docker images are now JDK11 and JDK17 (starting from 8.8 version), and generated from the official Eclipse Temurin OpenJDK Docker images.

Starting from 8.18 UBI based tags are published as well. UBI tags are available in 2 formats: <version>-ubi9 and <version>-ubi9-jdk17.

The Docker images follow the Atlassian Support end-of-life policy; images for unsupported versions of the products remain available but will no longer receive updates or fixes.

Historically, we have also generated other versions of the images, including JDK8, Alpine, and 'slim' versions of the JDK. These legacy images still exist in Docker Hub, however they should be considered deprecated, and do not receive updates or fixes.

If for some reason you need a different version, see "Building your own image"

Migration to UBI

If you have been mounting any files to ${JAVA_HOME} directory in eclipse-temurin based container, JAVA_HOME in UBI JDK17 container is set to /usr/lib/jvm/java-17.

Also, if you have been mounting and running any custom scripts in the container, UBI-based images may lack some tools and utilities that are available out of the box in eclipse-temurin tags. If that's the case, see Building your own image.

Building your own image

  • Clone the Atlassian repository at
  • Modify or replace the Jinja templates under config; NOTE: The files must have the .j2 extensions. However, you don't have to use template variables if you don't wish.
  • Build the new image with e.g: docker build --tag my-bitbucket-image --build-arg BITBUCKET_VERSION=8.x.x .
  • Optionally push to a registry, and deploy.

Supported architectures

Currently, Bitbucket container images are built for the linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 target platforms. The Dockerfiles and support tooling have now had all architecture-specific components removed, so if necessary it is possible to build images for any platform supported by OCI-compliant container runtimes.

Building on the target architecture

The simplest method of getting a platform image is to build it on a target machine; see "Building your own image" above.

Note: This method is known to work on Mac M1 and AWS ARM64 machines, but has not been extensively tested.


These images include built-in scripts to assist in performing common JVM diagnostic tasks.

Thread dumps

/opt/atlassian/support/ can be run via docker exec to easily trigger the collection of thread dumps from the containerized application. For example:

docker exec my_container /opt/atlassian/support/

By default, this script will collect 10 thread dumps at 5 second intervals. This can be overridden by passing a custom value for the count and interval, by using -c / --count and -i / --interval respectively. For example, to collect 20 thread dumps at 3 second intervals:

docker exec my_container /opt/atlassian/support/ --count 20 --interval 3

Thread dumps will be written to $APP_HOME/thread_dumps/<date>.

Disable capturing output from top run

By default this script will also capture output from top run in 'Thread-mode'. This can be disabled by passing -n / --no-top

Heap dump

/opt/atlassian/support/ can be run via docker exec to easily trigger the collection of a heap dump from the containerized application. For example:

docker exec my_container /opt/atlassian/support/

A heap dump will be written to $APP_HOME/heap.bin. If a file already exists at this location, use -f / --force to overwrite the existing heap dump file.

Manual diagnostics

The jcmd utility is also included in these images and can be used by starting a bash shell in the running container:

docker exec -it my_container /bin/bash


For product support, go to

You can also visit the Atlassian Data Center forum for discussion on running Atlassian Data Center products in containers.


For a detailed list of changes to the Docker image configuration see the Git commit history.


Copyright © 2019 Atlassian Corporation Pty Ltd. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.