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Helm chart version

OpenSearch sub-chart is supported in Bitbucket Helm chart version 1.20 onwards.

Deploy OpenSearch Helm chart with Bitbucket

Support disclaimer

Atlassian does not officially support OpenSearch Helm chart that can be installed with the Bitbucket Helm release. Should you encounter any issues with the deployment, maintenance and upgrades, reach out to the vendor. Moreover, if you intend to deploy OpenSearch to a critical Kubernetes environment, make sure you follow all the best practices, i.e. deploy a multi node cluster, use taints and tolerations, affinity rules, sufficient resources requests, have DR and backup strategies etc.

To deploy OpenSearch Helm chart and automatically configure Bitbucket to use it as a search platform, set the following in your Helm values file:

  install: true
This will:

  • auto-generate the initial OpenSearch admin password and create a Kubernetes secret with OPENSEARCH_INITIAL_ADMIN_PASSWORD key
  • deploy OpenSearch Helm chart to the target namespace with the default settings: single node, no SSL, 1Gi memory/1 vCPU resources requests, 10Gi storage request
  • set PLUGIN_SEARCH_CONFIG_BASEURL to http://opensearch-cluster-master:9200 unless overridden in opensearch.baseUrl
  • set PLUGIN_SEARCH_CONFIG_USERNAME to admin (this is the initial admin user created when the OpenSearch cluster starts for the very first time)
  • set PLUGIN_SEARCH_CONFIG_PASSWORD to a randomly generated password saved to opensearch-initial-password secret

Create dedicated OpenSearch user

When the Helm chart is installed with the default values, OpenSearch admin user is created with an auto-generated password, and Bitbucket is configured to use these credentials to connect to OpenSearch. If you want to have a more fine-grained control over internal users, you may pre-create a secret with a list of users, their credentials and roles. See internal_users.yml for more details.

Hash passwords

Passwords in internal_users.yml must be hashed. You can use script bundled with Bitbucket to hash your passwords, for example:

docker run atlassian/bitbucket:latest /bin/bash -c "chmod +x /opt/atlassian/bitbucket/opensearch/plugins/opensearch-security/tools/ && /opt/atlassian/bitbucket/opensearch/plugins/opensearch-security/tools/ -p mySecureAdminPassword123"

If Bitbucket is already up and running in your Kubernetes cluster, you can run exec into the Bitbucket container to hash a password:

kubectl exec -ti bitbucket-0 -n atlassian -- /bin/bash -c  "chmod +x /opt/atlassian/bitbucket/opensearch/plugins/opensearch-security/tools/ && /opt/atlassian/bitbucket/opensearch/plugins/opensearch-security/tools/ -p mySecureBitbucketPassword123"


Create internal_users.yml file

This is the minimal internal_users.yml file with an admin and a dedicated bitbucket user. See internal_users.yml to get more details about users, roles and role mappings in OpenSearch.

  type: "internalusers"
  config_version: 2

  hash: "$2y$12$bcUjaXcfutyYwkjp6r/RdePrywC3BmQLKvN77XuuR0PJs0qjBooSi"
  reserved: true
  - "admin"
  description: "Demo admin user"

  hash: "$2y$12$x910YF09tcfhNs009vOzWOMy9fswhpsuV5/AiiPwbY4rp5BXKv2tu"
  reserved: true
    - "admin"
  description: "Bitbucket admin user"

Create Kubernetes secret

Create a Kubernetes secret with 3 keys in its data:


Make sure there are no typos in internal_users.yml filename, otherwise OpenSearch pods can't be created due to a missing key in the secret.

kubectl create secret generic opensearch-internal-users \
      --from-literal=username=bitbucket \
      --from-literal=password="mySecureBitbucketPassword123" \
      --from-file=internal_users.yml=/path/to/internal_users.yml \
      -n atlassian

Update Helm values

Now that the secret has been created, update your Helm values to point OpenSearch and Bitbucket to opensearch-internal-users secret:

  install: true
    secretName: opensearch-internal-users
    usernameSecretKey: username
    passwordSecretKey: password
    internalUsersSecret: opensearch-internal-users

If necessary, you can create 2 separate secrets - one for the internal_users.yml only, and one with the actual non-hashed OpenSearch credentials that Bitbucket will use.

Override OpenSearch Helm chart values

You can configure your OpenSearch cluster and the deployment options by overriding any values that the Helm chart exposes. OpenSearch values must be nested under opensearch stanza in your Helm values file, for example:

  singleNode: false
  replicas: 5
    opensearch.yml: | custom-cluster

Enable SSL with Custom Certificates

By default, OpenSearch starts with the SSL http plugin disabled, meaning the cluster is accessible via HTTP at http://opensearch-cluster-master:9200. The OpenSearch service is not exposed through a LoadBalancer or Ingress unless the default configurations are explicitly overridden. Bitbucket communicates with the OpenSearch cluster using the service name within the internal Kubernetes network. This setup uses the Kubernetes DNS to resolve the service name to the appropriate cluster IP address.

To enable SSL in OpenSearch and start the service on a secure port, you need to: * Enable SSL HTTPS in Helm values. * Create Kubernetes secrets with ca, certificate and key, and pass them to OpenSearch. * Add ca.crt to Java trust store in Bitbucket containers if the custom certificate is not signed by a public authority.

Below is an example (not the recommended way) of how to generate a CA certificate, a server certificate, and a corresponding private key for securing communications with OpenSearch:

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -subj "/C=US/ST=CA/L=LA/O=MyCompany Name/CN=opensearch-cluster-master" -keyout ca.key -out ca.crt
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout opensearch-cluster-master.key -subj "/C=US/ST=CA/L=LA/O=MyCompany Name/CN=opensearch-cluster-master" -out opensearch-cluster-master.csr
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in opensearch-cluster-master.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out opensearch-cluster-master.crt

It is important to generate the certificate for opensearch-cluster-master CN because this is the actual OpenSearch service/host name in the target namespace.

Once done, create 3 Kubernetes secrets:

kubectl create secret generic opensearch-ssl-ca -n atlassian --from-file=root-ca.pem=ca.crt
kubectl create secret generic opensearch-ssl-key -n atlassian --from-file=esnode-key.pem=opensearch-cluster-master.key
kubectl create secret generic opensearch-ssl-cert -n atlassian --from-file=esnode.pem=opensearch-cluster-master.crt

Enable ssl http plugin, override the default ca, certificate and key, as well as provide additional volume mounts in Bitbucket Helm values file:

    - name:
      value: "true"
    - name:
      value: "esnode-key.pem"
    - name:
      value: "esnode.pem"
    - name:
      value: "root-ca.pem"
  - name: opensearch-ssl-cert
    secretName: opensearch-ssl-cert
    path: /usr/share/opensearch/config/esnode.pem
    subPath: esnode.pem
  - name: opensearch-ssl-key
    secretName: opensearch-ssl-key
    path: /usr/share/opensearch/config/esnode-key.pem
    subPath: esnode-key.pem
  - name: opensearch-ssl-ca
    secretName: opensearch-ssl-ca
    path: /usr/share/opensearch/config/root-ca.pem
    subPath: root-ca.pem
When using a self-signed certificate or a certificate not issued/signed by a recognized public certificate authority (CA), it is essential to add the CA certificate to the Java trust store in all Bitbucket containers:

    secretName: opensearch-ssl-ca

Additionally, you need to update the protocol specified in the baseUrl to HTTPS:

    secretName: opensearch-ssl-ca
  baseUrl: https://opensearch-cluster-master:9200

Enable Ingress

To communicate with the OpenSearch cluster through a fully qualified domain name rather than via Kubernetes internal DNS name, you can enable an Ingress in the OpenSearch Helm chart. Below is an example of how to configure Ingress and update base URL in the Helm values file:

    install: true
Important considerations:

  • Ensure that the baseUrl is set to use HTTPS protocol, which encrypts the data exchanged with the OpenSearch cluster
  • Ensure that the Ingress hostname can be resolved from within the Kubernetes cluster network
  • If the certificate is not signed by a public authority, you will need to add the certificate to Java trust store in Bitbucket containers by defining a secret name in bitbucket.additionalCertificates.secretName



If you run into auth issues (401 response from OpenSearch), check the following:

  • exec into the Bitbucket container and run:

    curl -v -u ${PLUGIN_SEARCH_CONFIG_USERNAME}:${PLUGIN_SEARCH_CONFIG_PASSWORD} http://opensearch-cluster-master:9200/_cat/indices?v
    If you get 401, then the user or password passed to the Bitbucket container does not match user or password defined in the internal_users.yml

  • you can find out where the actual values of PLUGIN_SEARCH_CONFIG_USERNAME and PLUGIN_SEARCH_CONFIG_PASSWORD environment variables come from by running:

    kubectl get pod bitbucket-0 -n atlassian -o jsonpath="{.spec.containers[0].env[?('PLUGIN_SEARCH_CONFIG_USERNAME')]}"
    kubectl get pod bitbucket-0 -n atlassian -o jsonpath="{.spec.containers[0].env[?('PLUGIN_SEARCH_CONFIG_PASSWORD')]}"
    * Make sure that hashed password of the bitbucket user in the internal_users.yml file corresponds to the plain text password stored in the Kubernetes secret.


The default opensearch-cluster-master hostname must be resolved to a Kubernetes service cluster IP, and the request is then forwarded directly to the pod endpoint. If you see connection refused/timeout errors, make sure all OpenSearch pods are in a Ready state and the corresponding endpoints have been created:

kubectl describe pod -n atlassian
kubectl get endpoints -n atlassian

NAME                                 ENDPOINTS                                         AGE
bitbucket                  ,,      113m
opensearch-cluster-master  ,                   113m
opensearch-cluster-master-headless,,   113m