Create DNS record via AWS CLI ΒΆ
DNS record creation using Route53
The approach below shows how a DNS record can be created using AWS Route53 and the AWS CLI for record sets
First, identify the name of the auto provisioned AWS Classic Load Balancer that was created above for Step 2. Install controller:
kubectl get service -n ingress | grep ingress-nginx | awk '{print $4}' | head -1
for the load balancer aws elb describe-load-balancers --load-balancer-name b834z142d8118406795a34df35e10b17 --region <aws_region> | jq '.LoadBalancerDescriptions[] | .CanonicalHostedZoneNameID'
and the full name of the load balancer create the JSON
"change batch" file below: {
"Comment": "An alias resource record for Jira in K8s",
"Changes": [
"Action": "CREATE",
"ResourceRecordSet": {
"Name": <DNS record name>,
"Type": "A",
"AliasTarget": {
"HostedZoneId": <Load balancer hosted zone ID>,
"DNSName": <Load balancer name>,
"EvaluateTargetHealth": true
DNS record name
If for example, the DNS record name were set to
then the host,
, would be the pre-registerd AWS Route53 hosted zone.
Next get the zone ID for the hosted zone:
aws route53 list-hosted-zones-by-name | jq '.HostedZones[] | select(.Name == "") | .Id'
change batch file created above, initialize the record: aws route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id <hosted zone ID> --change-batch file://change-batch.json
"ChangeInfo": {
"Id": "/change/C03268442VMV922ROD1M4",
"Status": "PENDING",
"SubmittedAt": "2021-08-30T01:42:23.478Z",
"Comment": "An alias resource record for Jira in K8s"
aws route53 get-change --id /change/C03268442VMV922ROD1M4
has transitioned to INSYNC
the record is ready for use... {
"ChangeInfo": {
"Id": "/change/C03268442VMV922ROD1M4",
"Status": "INSYNC",
"SubmittedAt": "2021-08-30T01:42:23.478Z",
"Comment": "Creating Alias resource record sets in Route 53"