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NFS server for Bitbucket


This functionality is not officially supported. It should not be used for production deployments!

The included NFS example is provided as is and should be used as reference a only. Before you proceed we highly recommend that you understand your specific deployment needs and tailor your solution to them.

Bitbucket Data Center and NFS

Due to the high performance requirements on IO operations, Bitbucket needs a dedicated NFS server providing persistence for a shared home. For this reason we don't recommend that you use cloud managed storage services such as AWS EFS.

NFS provisioning

The NFS server can be provisioned manually or by using the supplied Helm chart. Details for both approaches can be found below.

Pod affinity

To reduce the IO latency between the NFS server and Bitbucket Pod(s) it is highly recommend to keep them in close proximity. To achieve this, you can use standard Kubernetes affinity rules. The affinity stanza within values.yaml can be updated to take advantage of this behaviour i.e.


For information on setting up Bitbucket Data Center's shared file server, see Provision your shared file system. This section contains the requirements and recommendations for setting up NFS for Bitbucket Data Center.

NFS Server sizing

Ensure the NFS server's size is appropriate for the needs of the Bitbucket instance. See capacity recommendations for details.



This Helm chart is not officially supported! It should not be used for production deployments!


Create a namespace for the NFS

kubectl create namespace nfs
Clone this repository and from the sub-directory, data-center-helm-charts/docs/docs/examples/storage/nfs, run the following command:
helm install nfs-server nfs-server-example --namespace nfs


helm uninstall nfs-server --namespace nfs

Update values.yaml

Get the IP address of the NFS service (CLUSTER-IP) by running the following command

kubectl get service --namespace nfs -o jsonpath='{.items[0].spec.clusterIP}'

NFS directory share

The NFS Helm chart creates and exposes the directory share /srv/nfs. This will be required when configuring values.yaml

The approach below shows how a persistentVolume and corresponding peristentVolumeClaim can be dynamically created for the provisioned NFS. Using the NFS IP and directory share, (see above) update the values.yaml appropriately:

      create: true
        server: "" # IP address of the NFS server 
        path: "/srv/nfs" # Directory share of NFS
      create: true
      storageClassName: ""
You can of course manually provision your own persistentVolume and corresponding claim (as opposed to the dynamic approach described above) for the NFS server. In this case update the values.yaml to make use of them via the customVolume stanza, sharedHome.persistentVolume.create and sharedHome.persistentVolumeClaim.create should also both be set to false.
    create: false
    create: false
      claimName: "custom-nfs-server-claim"

Next step - Local storage

Having created the shared home NFS continue with provisioning the next piece of prerequisite infrastructure, local storage.