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Deploy To OpenShift

Support disclaimer

Helm is a Kubernetes package manager that orchestrates the provisioning of applications onto existing Kubernetes infrastructure. The requirements for this infrastructure are described in Prerequisites. The Kubernetes cluster remains your responsibility; we do not provide direct support for Kubernetes or the underlying hardware it runs on.

If you have followed our documentation on how to configure Helm charts, and you're correctly-created components, we will provide support if you encounter an error with installation after running the helm install command.

Read more about what we support and what we don’t.

Official OpenShift support

Starting from version 1.18, Atlassian Data Center Helm charts officially include support for OpenShift.

Deploy with a restricted and nonroot security context constraint

Atlassian Data Center Helm charts are vendor and cloud agnostic, and create objects from standard APIs that OpenShift fully supports.

However, the default OpenShift restricted Security Context Constrain (SCC) requires pods to be run with a UID and a SELinux context that are allocated to the namespace. It's therefore not possible to deploy DC Helm charts with the default settings (with pre-defined securityContext and containers that run as root). See FAQs for typical errors.

ATL_TOMCAT_* environment variables

When running as restricted or nonroot SCC, some of ATL_TOMCAT_* environment variables passed to the Helm chart in additionalEnvironmentVariables will be ignored, because server.xml and seraph-config.xml are mounted as a ConfigMaps rather than generated in the container entrypoint from Jinja templates. Both <product>.tomcatConfig and <product>.seraphConfig have a number of properties which you can override if necessary. Look at tomcatConfig stanza in the chart's values.yaml for more details.

Restricted SCC

Restricted SCC denies access to all host features and requires pods to be run with a UID and a SELinux context that are allocated to the namespace.

Running containers in OpenShift with a restricted SCC is the most secure approach. To be able to successfully deploy Atlassian DC Helm charts with a restricted SCC, set openshift.runWithRestrictedSCC to true in the Helm values file:

  runWithRestrictedSCC: true

This property will:

  • unset securityContext on the pod and initContainers level, letting OpenShift set it
  • trigger the creation of a ConfigMap with server.xml and seraph-config.xml that are mounted as read-only files into containers (rather than generated in the container entrypoint). Both server.xml and seraph-config.xml can be configured in <product>.tomcatConfig Helm stanza (except for Bitbucket which does not have these configuration files)
  • disable the nfs-permission fixer init container that is run as root by default. If you need to change permissions in an existing shared-home volume, do it when provisioning/migrating the volume. See FAQs for more details.

Nonroot SCC

Nonroot SCC provides all features of the restricted SCC but allows users to run with any non-root UID.

Supported versions

OpenShift nonroot SCC friendly values are available in versions 1.14.0+ for Jira and Confluence, and 1.18+ for Crowd and Bamboo. If you can't upgrade, consider using 'additionalFiles' to mount server.xml and seraph-config.xml as ConfigMaps, which should be created outside the Helm chart.

To be able to run DC containers as users created during an image build you need to let the ServiceAccount use the nonroot SCC. Typically, cluster admin privileges are required (replace namespace and Helm release name):

oc adm policy add-scc-to-user nonroot \

Use the following Helm values (replace jira and UIDs depending on the deployed product):

    runAsUser: 2001
    runAsGroup: 2001
    fsGroup: 2001
    generateByHelm: true
    generateByHelm: true
      enabled: false  

If you enabled monitoring.exposeJmxMetrics, you need to run the init container as non root:

    runAsRoot: false

OpenShift Routes

To create OpenShift Routes use the following Helm values:

  create: true
  openShiftRoute: true
  path: /yourpath # optional

Additional Route configuration include annotations and routeHttpHeaders:

  annotations: {}
  routeHttpHeaders: {}
Ingress values such as maxBodySize, proxyConnectTimeout, proxyReadTimeout, proxySendTimeout, nginx, and className are ignored when ingress.openShiftRoute is set to true. See FAQs for additional information on how to configure OpenShift routes.