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Troubleshooting tips

This guide contains general tips on how to investigate an application deployment that doesn't work correctly.

General tips

First, it is important to gather the information that will help you better understand where to focus your investigation efforts. The next section assumes you've followed the installation and configuration guides, and you can't access the installed product service.

For installation troubleshooting, you will need to access the Kubernetes cluster and have enough permissions to follow the commands below.

We highly recommend that you read through the Kubernetes official documentation describing monitoring, logging and debugging. Additionally, for great starting tips read the Application Introspection and Debugging section.

Value placeholders

Some commands include <release_name> and <namespace>. Replace them with the Helm release name and namespace specified when running helm install.

My service is not accessible

After helm install finishes, it prints a product service URL. It usually takes a few minutes for the service to start. If you visit the URL too soon, it might return a 5XX error HTTP code (the actual code might be dependent on your network implementation).

If you have waited long enough (more than 10 minutes), and the service is still not accessible, it is time to investigate the reason why this is the case.

Helm release verification

  1. Run helm list --all-namespaces to get the list of all installed chart releases.
    • You should be able to see your installation in the list
    • The status for the release should be deployed
  2. Run helm test <release_name> -n <namespace>
    • This should return application tests in succeeded phase
    • In case there are any test failures you will need to further investigate the particular domain

DNS verification

To verify the DNS record from your machine, run a basic dig test:


Or use a web version of the tool.

Investigate application logs

You can get application logs from the pods with a standard kubectl command:


You can read the output and make sure it doesn't contain an error or an exception.

Get application pod details

For more details follow the official guide for debugging.

Get the list of pods and their states:

kubectl get <release_name> -n <namespace> -o wide

Get details about a specific pod:

kubectl describe POD_NAME -n <namespace>

Get storage details

Each application pod needs to have successfully mounted local and shared home. You can find out the details for the persistent volume claims with this command:


The example needs to have jq tool installed.

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o=json | jq -c \
'.items[] | {name:, namespace: .metadata.namespace, claimName:.spec.volumes[] | select( has ("persistentVolumeClaim") ).persistentVolumeClaim.claimName }'
Find all the application pods in the output and verify they have the correct claims (shared home and local home). For more details follow the documentation for persistent volumes.

Self signed certificates

Accessing applications or websites that are encrypted with SSL using certificates not signed by a public authority will result in a connection error. The stacktrace will contain the following:

caused by:
       PKIX path building unable to find valid certification path to requested target

To fix the issue, follow the steps listed in the Self Signed Certificates configuration guide.