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Once you have installed your product, use this document if you want to scale your product, update your product, or see what examples we have.

Expose JMX Metrics

When monitoring.exposeJmxMetrics is enabled, JMX exporter runs as javaagent to expose http server and serve metrics of a local JVM. In other words, JMX MBeans (if enabled in the product) are exposed and available to be scraped by Prometheus.

JMX exporter jar isn't available in products dependencies or container images, that is why when monitoring.exposeJmxMetrics is enabled there are 2 ways to get it:

Enable JMX Monitoring: The Default Method

You can expose JMX metrics by either passing --set monitoring.exposeJmxMetrics=true to your helm install/upgrade command or change the default value in your values.yaml file:

  exposeJmxMetrics: true

Enable JMX Monitoring: Manually Copy the Jar

If you don't want to have an additional container which will slightly increase pod startup time, you can manually download the exporter jar, override its location and disable an init container:

First, download the jar:

# check the latest version from
wget -P .

Then, copy it to shared-home. The example below assumes that Confluence is deployed to atlassian namespace, and volumes.sharedHome.mountPath uses the default value:

kubectl cp \
  jmx_prometheus_javaagent-0.18.0.jar \

Disable an init container and set a custom jar location in the values.yaml file:

  exposeJmxMetrics: true
  fetchJmxExporterJar: false
  jmxExporterCustomJarLocation: /var/atlassian/application-data/shared-home/jmx_prometheus_javaagent-0.18.0.jar

Run helm upgrade to apply changes. Once done, you can verify metrics is available by running:

kubectl port-forward confluence-0 9999:9999 -n atlassian 

Go to http://localhost:9999/metrics in your local browser to verify metrics availability.

JMX service security

By default, JMX services are created as ClusterIP types, i.e. they are not available outside the Kubernetes cluster. Because the metrics endpoint isn't password protected, make sure you protected with SecurityGroup rules (if in AWS) when exposing it as a LoadBalancer if required:

  jmxExporterPortType: LoadBalancer

Scrape Metrics With Prometheus

See: Prometheus Monitoring

Managing resources

You can scale your application by adding additonal pods or by managing available resources with requests and limits.

Upgrading application

Kubernetes update strategies

Kubernetes provides two strategies to update applications managed by statefulset controllers:

Rolling update

The pods will be upgraded one by one until all pods run containers with the updated template. The upgrade is managed by Kubernetes and the user has limited control during the upgrade process, after having modified the template. This is the default upgrade strategy in Kubernetes.

To perform a canary or multi-phase upgrade, a partition can be defined on the cluster and Kubernetes will upgrade just the nodes in that partition.

The default implementation is based on RollingUpdate strategy with no partition defined.

OnDelete strategy

In this strategy users select the pod to upgrade by deleting it, and Kubernetes will replace it by creating a new pod based on the updated template. To select this strategy the following should be replaced with the current implementation of updateStrategy in the statefulset spec:

    type: OnDelete




How to deploy an EFK stack to Kubernetes

There are different methods to deploy an EFK stack. We provide two deployment methods, the first is deploying EFK locally on Kubernetes, and the second is using managed Elasticsearch outside the Kubernetes cluster. Please refer to Logging in Kubernetes.