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Product scaling

For optimum performance and stability the appropriate resource requests and limits should be defined for each pod. The number of pods in the product cluster should also be carefully considered. Kubernetes provides means for horizontal and vertical scaling of the deployed pods within a cluster, these approaches are described below.

Horizontal scaling - adding pods

The Helm charts provision one StatefulSet by default. The number of replicas within this StatefulSet can be altered either declaratively or imperatively. Note that the Ingress must support cookie-based session affinity in order for the products to work correctly in a multi-node configuration.

  1. Update values.yaml by modifying the replicaCount appropriately.
  2. Apply the patch:
    helm upgrade <release> <chart> -f <values file>
kubectl scale statefulsets <statefulsetset-name> --replicas=n

Initial cluster size

Jira, Confluence, and Crowd all require manual configuration after the first pod is deployed and before scaling up to additional pods, therefore when you deploy the product only one pod (replica) is created. The initial number of pods that should be started at deployment of each product is set in the replicaCount variable found in the values.yaml and should always be kept as 1.

Bamboo cluster size

Bamboo server currently has limitations relating to clustering, as such, unlike the other products Bamboo server can only be scaled to a maximum of 1 pod.

For details on modifying the cpu and memory requirements of the StatefulSet see section Vertical Scaling below. Additional details on the resource requests and limits used by the StatfulSet can be found in Resource requests and limits.

Scaling Jira safely

At present there are issues relating to index replication with Jira when immediately scaling up by more than 1 pod at a time. See Jira and horizontal scaling.

Before scaling your cluster

Make sure there's at least one snapshot file in the <shared-home>/export/indexsnapshots directory. New pods will attempt to use the files in this directory to replicate the index. If there is no snapshot present in <shared-home>/export/indexsnapshots then create an initial index snapshot

Having followed the steps above, and ensured a healthy snapshot index is available, scale the cluster as necessary. Once scaling is complete confirm that the index is still healthy using the approach prescribed in Step 3. If there are still indexing issues then please refer to the guides below for details on how address them:

Vertical scaling - adding resources

The resource requests and limits for a StatefulSet can be defined before product deployment or for deployments that are already running within the Kubernetes cluster. Take note that vertical scaling will result in the pod being re-created with the updated values.

Prior to deployment

Before performing a helm install update the appropriate products values.yaml container stanza with the desired requests and limits values i.e.

    cpu: "4"
    memory: "4G"
    cpu: "2"
    memory: "2G"

Post deployment

For existing deployments the requests and limits values can be dynamically updated either declaratively or imperatively

This the preferred approach as it keeps the state of the cluster, and the helm charts themselves in sync.

  1. Update values.yaml appropriately
  2. Apply the patch:
helm upgrade <release> <chart> -f <values file>

Using kubectl edit on the appropriate StatefulSet the respective cpu and memory values can be modified i.e.

    cpu: "2"
    memory: 2G

Saving the changes will then result in the existing product pod(s) being re-provisioned with the updated values.